DLSC Old Boys
MP3 File
DLSC Armidale Classes of 1958, 1959, 1960
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
De La Salle College Armidale Classes of 1958, 1959 & 1960
Hi I'm Max Hitchins. My brother Ernie and I attended De La Salle Armidale in the 1950's. That's me on the left in the photo (with the long tie!) and that's my brother Ernie alongside. He was heading off to De La in this picture and it was about 1950. You'll see he has a De La tie on and carrying. (Which was part of the uniform at that time.)
Another country guy, Barry Turvey was also at De La Salle College Armidale during the 1950's. We were in the same class. Barry left at the end of 1959. I left at the end of 1958. Recently (November 2004) Barry (we used to call him Turv) called me to talk about 'old times'. Naturally we began asking each other if we had seen or heard of any of the guys with whom we spent our teenage years.
We spoke about Mick Cook, Michael McCormack, Dave Perrin, Michael Britz, John Ryan, Maurie Stapleton, John Cupples, Adrian Harper, Bill Sullivan, Terry Farrell, Brian Petschler, Howard Whitelaw, Pip Grills, Mick Dowdle, Terry and Bob Ell, John Conolly, Terry Iliffe, Ray Chappell, Bruce Schaeffer, Ron Clark, Paul McCabe, Peter Dodds, John Chaplin, Mick Coffey, Leon Boland, Carl Graham, Pat O'Neill, Russell Burton, Peter Black, Dennis Keys, Dean York, Ron Burgess ....just to name a few.
I suggested to Turv we should set up this 'Blog' and see if we can locate any, some or all of the Classes of 1958, 1959 and 1960. We thought it might be fun to do this...even allowing for the fact that the only thing we may now have in common is the time we spent at school in Armidale.
So if you were part of the DLSC classes of 1958, 1959 and 1960 we invite you to enter as little or as much, about yourself, as you like on this web site. And we'd sure be grateful if you would pass on the address of this 'Blog' to any of our school pals.
And I'll kick it off by telling I'm Max Hitchins (DLSC 1951 - 1958). I was from Moree. I currently operate a Professional Speaking business out of offices in North Sydney at Unit 12, 9 Myrtle Street, North Sydney. You can check us out at http://www.HospitalityDoctors.com
We also operate a Hotel Broking business out of these premises and you can check that out at http://www.HotelBrokers.com.au Our phone number is 02 9966 1144. My e-mail address is max@hitchins.com.au
I married a Moree girl (Robe Jones) who went to NEGS. She is a sister of Robert (Jock) Jones who went to TAS in the 1950's too. We have three daughters and have five grand children.
To participate all you need do is go to 'Comment' at the bottom of this page and write whatever you choose.